FINALLY! The Unique Script To Get Landlords To Say "YES" To Short-Term Rental
...Free PDF Reveals How To Start Your Own Airbnb™ Business Without Owning Property

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✅ TIME BACK GUARANTEE: If this doesn’t change your gross monthly revenue, I will personally hop on a live BNB 1-on-1 Strategy Call with you and make up the time you feel like you lost. (Never had 1 person take me up on this ;)

✅ 3-Day TRAINING: Strategies to Launch Airbnb, Why Airbnb's Fail & How to Avoid It, How to Automate an AirBnb, Plus Much More...

✅ FILL IN THE BLANKS WORKBOOK: ​Practical "Fill In The Blanks" Workbook For Quickly Launching & Automating a Profitable AirBNB Business. 

✅ ​EXCLUSIVE CHALLENGE COMMUNITY: Access to a private FB group, with me directly & my world class team. Interact with the community, ask questions & catch the replays. You'll also get feedback once you post your worksheets daily inside the group for review.

The BNB Cheatsheet is the definitive guide to launching a BNB business - updated, expanded, and revised for 2024...

This is for professionals & business owners who are looking to diversify and participate in the growing short-term rental market.

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You're Getting in The Challenge!

The Pandemic Is Over, But The Recession Is Here...

How to get DESIRABLE PROPERTIES under contract to rent and START an Airbnb™ business 
even if you’ve never been in real estate

...Who Else Wants To Get Their First (or Next) BNB Launched in 2024?

Please Answer These Questions Sincerely Before You Continue Reading:

🚩 Excited to learn the unique script to get landlords to say "YES" to short term rental?
🚩 How to do EXTENSIVE RESEARCH to locate a potential property
🚩 Do you love real estate but do not understand the financial theories behind investing and short term rentals?
🚩 Are you adventurous & eager to learn new concepts and have a desire to broaden your scope and understanding?
🚩 Are you trying to figure out a way to have a bigger impact? 
🚩 Are you ready to finally get into the real estate industry? 
🚩 Are you prepared to host your new Airbnb™ the RIGHT WAY to earn 5 STAR reviews?
🚩 Do you want to learn a solid foundation for starting & scaling an Airbnb™ Business?

With the pandemic hopefully over, we are confronting a global recession like nothing we’ve ever experienced before…

And here's the harsh reality that faces 98% of businesses:

Most Offers, Funnels, Websites, Services & Products Aren't Designed & Built To Sell. 

They do NOT get consistent traffic, leads, or sales.

So they do NOT get evergreen, predictable, daily sales.

There's a lack of paying clients, the number 1 key to business success.

Business owners work harder than ever, yet 98% of them do NOT get new clients daily.

You are fighting for scraps, and no one is coming to save you.

It’s time to take full responsibility.

It’s time to take action.

Close New High Ticket Clients Consistently, Every Day…

Regardless Of Your Experience, Product, Or Marketplace...

The solution is in what I’ve called: The Art of Selling High Ticket Calls

I've taught this to many business owners worldwide and now I want to teach it to you...

Join me for a 5-Day Workshop and free yourself of the constant worries that business owners go through. 

The results speak for themselves.

20M from selling digital Courses, Coaching, Consulting & Masterminds before I turned 40.  

Now it's your turn to scale your business to your first 7 figures.

Your Host + Trainer;

World Class Investor and Entrepreneur Investor Mike, 

✅ Serial Entrepreneur & World Class Investor

✅ Built YouTube Channel To 500k Subscribers In 18 Months

✅ Renowned public speaker

✅ Global Authority On Starting & Scaling Businesses.

✅ Built 2 Brands to 8 figures & 1 to 7 figures

✅ Recruited, Hired & Trained over 100 Sales Reps

✅ Hired As The #1 Authority on Sales Training and Business Coaching

Date & Time: Feb 8th - Feb 10th, 2022 | 1 PM EST 
Hosted inside private exclusive FB community 
FINALLY! Discover How To Start Your Own Airbnb™ Business Without Owning Property

……...Finally The Unique Script to Get Landlords to Say "YES" to Short-Term Rental

Join The Business Adventure Of A Lifetime With Serial Entrepreneur, World Class Investor & Renowned Public Speaker
Model, Mimmick & Master - Success Leaves Clues...
Dear Future Empire Builder.

It's your time now.

2023 is here...

Here's How You Can Turn Your Experience, Expertise, Knowledge Or Passion Into Online Courses & Digital Products You Can Sell For High Prices Online.

Whether you're starting from scratch or you're already successful looking to take your results to the next level.

Join me today.

The MOST important aspect of you building genuine wealth in 2023 comes down this;

Creating MULTIPLE "Passive" income streams.

You never see a top guy, girl, guru, business leader, influencer (that actually makes money) trading their time for money.

Creating digital products is the simplest way to generate an income from the skills and knowledge you ALREADY have in your head.

Online courses aren't a new thing. In fact millions of people are already generating 7 and 8 figure incomes from doing exactly this.

Theres also a huge percentage of people who have tried their hand at creating courses without much success.

And this is why...

The big problem is so many course creators don't have a system to actually generate sales every single day once their course is built.

They create INCREDIBLE courses but have no idea how to actually get it infront of those who need it most. 

The 'How to Sell What You Know' Challenge will show you step by step how to achieve this in just 5 days!

2020-2021 has taught everyone that you need multiple sources of EVERYTHING.

So often I’m having a conversation with someone and they are complaining about how stressed and burnt out they are. 

Or the fact they hardly ever get to spend quality time with their kids or partner.

And recently, the fact that the cost of living is going up and up each day and they can’t physically work any more hours to earn more money.

And my response is always the same.

“You should totally create an online course”.

And each time I hear…

“Me?...what on earth would I create a course on? I’m not an expert in anything”.

The sad truth is so many people are sitting on knowledge that could completely transform their situation but they have no idea how to tap into it.

And they very often don’t even realise this is a viable option for them.

So here are 5 signs you’re ready to create an online course:

👉🏼 You’re overworked, underpaid, and undervalued and are emotionally and physically DRAINED.
👉🏼 You have lots of clients but not enough hours in the day to fit them all in.
👉🏼 You’re constantly giving away your knowledge for free because people want to ‘just pick your brains for a sec’
👉🏼 You feel like your life is running away without you and you’re missing out on all the most valuable moments.
👉🏼 You have so much you want to share and help people with but you just don’t know how.

Now… obviously… I’m not legally allowed to make any income promises…

Or imply that you’re going to make any money at all from using this system.

Because truthfully, that depends on YOU… your ability to follow simple instructions… and your 
willingness to “put the work in.”

This isn’t a magic pill.

And sadly, most people who join this training… won’t do anything with it.

That’s just human nature.

It’s also a shame…

Because we’ve spent years perfecting this “Progressive Income” model.

We’ve gotten this thing down to a freakin’ science…

And many of our students who’ve actually followed our training have achieved…
True Life-Changing Results!

Look I'm going to be SO honest with you:

It's NOT easy.

It's NOT going to happen overnight.

It's NOT going to work if you go at it alone.

Trust me, I've been there - it's a lonely and long journey of endless days on end hammering away at the laptop and getting sucked into the next shiny object marketing tactic of the month.

Can you relate to what I'm sharing here?

I've decided to take a stand and show you EXACTLY how you can build a lifestyle for yourself that includes wild success AND time to spend doing what makes you happiest.

If you’re wanting to start a pandemic proof business.

If you want to develop scalable in demand skills.

If you want to make 2023 your absolute best year ever.

If you want to take control of your life and your bank account.

Then I'm talking to you.

Here’s the deal: Most “marketers” that you usually learn from either get lucky or work so hard they sacrifice everything to get to 6-7 figures...

I'm not about that.

Truly LIVING our life and enjoying the journey is TOO important to me to allow you to hustle your life away and so I teach a different kind of hustle.

I remember when I first felt that feeling of relief from FINALLY not having to worry about money.

And it was when I was consistently hitting $10K months.

I just felt like I could breeeeeathe for the first time ever!

So it got me thinking, that's EXACTLY what I want to help my challenge members achieve!

This is possible for YOU!..... But not if you try and do it alone. So let's go!

Who Is The 5-Days Art of Selling High Ticket Calls Challenge For?

🙋  ​A Coach/Consultant/Advisor who’s spent several tough years trying to build their business online but can’t get the sales going and relies on unpredictable income. ​
🙋  A Course Creator who’s bought all the courses but can’t seem to scale to High Ticket Offers and is stuck in the friend zone with their customers instead of the CASH ZONE! 
🙋  An Expert in Their Field with an Extraordinary Service or Program that’s ready to scale but is scared of the sales process. ​
🙋  A Self-Confessed Shiny Object Syndrome Specialist that has bought every single course under the sun, yet isn’t profiting at all… 
🙋  Anyone starting FROM SCRATCH that wants to learn a recession-proof skill that will help them thrive in this current economy.

AT LAST! Smash Through Sales Plateaus Holding You Back, End The Frustration & Overwhelm By Taking Care Of Your Revenue With Our Wildly Profitable Sales Process...

Join Today For Only $297

Join Today For Only $0!

Here's The Breakdown Of What 
You'll Learn Over 5-Days...

Day 1:
✅ Why the old school way of selling doesn't work in the modern virtual world

Day 2:
✅ The single greatest close of all time - that has people 'begging for your product' without being pushy or having “commission breath”.
✅ The 1 hiring SECRET that made me 10 million plus....

Day 3:
✅ How to get ANYONE to say 'YES" to your product or Service...This took me a decade to master!
✅ How to remove yourself from the day to day grind of selling your own product or service 
✅ A MASSIVE secret that no one wants you to know about how to build a fire A** Sales team.... It's not what you think.

Day 4:
✅ How to create jaw-dropping, irresistible headlines and offers that practaclly grabs ANYONE’S attention -and intention to buy.
✅ This high ticket funnel does practcally all the selling for you before you get on the call with them.
✅ How to avoid this one mistake in business that can cost you 100K or more. Not what your thinking either.

Day 5:
✅ A strategy that ANYONE can use to build and scale a MASSIVE sales team without Recruiting, hiring or training 1 single person) 
✅ How to Automatically bring in customers or clients without breaking the bank or spending a dime on social media ads that dont convert.
✅ How you can DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your closing rate without changing your offer or sales pitch…

​FAST ACTION BONUS For Qualified Applications Only:

☑️ Millionaire 1-On-1 15 Minute Strategy Session With Investor Mike Himself ($3,500 Value) 

☑️ FULL Hour Private Session: We'll Show You How To Remove Yourself From The Day-To-Day Grind And Have Everything DONE-WITH-YOU, Plus Ways To Strategically Make Smart Investments That "9-Figure Entrepreneurs" Uses To Build Their Multiple Millionaire Empires. (Priceless)

This is all brand new information that will give birth to a whole NEW breed of Coaches, Consultants, Course Creators and Business Owners...


Date & Time: Feb 8th - Feb 10th, 2023 | 1 PM EST
Imagine, a business you can run from anywhere 
without being a slave to your computer.

Imagine a sales process that consistently converts cold leads into buyers and gives you back control of both your finances and your time.

Imagine the ability to conjure cash out of thin air, so you can live life again, instead of being stuck for 20 hours a day behind the laptop -sacrificing your life, your family, and your health. 

Most entrepreneurs have no idea what they are doing. They rely on hope vs a proven sales process.

Selling High Ticket Calls Is the Only Way For You To Finally Free Yourself From Economic Slavery

🙋 A Coach/Consultant/Advisor who’s spent several tough years trying to build their business online but can’t get the sales going and relies on unpredictable income.

🙋 ​A Course Creator who’s bought all the courses but can’t seem to scale to High Ticket Offers and is stuck in the friend zone with their customers instead of the CASH ZONE!

🙋 An Expert in Their Field with an Extraordinary Service or Program that’s ready to scale but is scared of the sales process.

🙋 ​A Self-Confessed Shiny Object Syndrome Specialist that has bought every single course under the sun, yet isn’t profiting at all…

🙋 Anyone starting FROM SCRATCH that wants to learn a recession-proof skill that will help them thrive in this current economy.

If you fit into any of the above categories, join my 5-Day Challenge today. 

You have nothing to lose.

Here's Extra Bonus Videos Added In For You...

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You're Getting Today!


✅ Day 2 - How To Sell High Ticket Offers EFFORTLESSLY 24/7 Leveraging A Custom Leadgen System WITHOUT Being Salesy Or Pushy!… EVEN IF YOU HAVE NEVER DONE SALES BEFORE!

✅ Day 3 - The Most Effective Way To Persuade ANY PROSPECT To Say Yes By Leveraging Specialized Skilled Setters WITHOUT You Ever Having To do Any Sales Calls Yourself!

✅ Day 4 - Tired Of Doing Every Call Yourself And Want To Delegate Sales Leveraging A High-Performance HT-CLOSER TEAM To Add An Extra $200K YRR Predictably By STRATEGICALLY Positioning Your $5K To $10K High Ticket Offer VS The Mistake Of A Lower Ticket Offer

✅ Day 5 - The "Hands-Free" Process For ​Busy CEOs That Want An 8-FIGURE HT-SALES TEAM To Do All The Hiring, Training, And Recruiting Of World Class Sales Reps To Be Placed In Your Company To Sell Your High Ticket Offers

​FAST ACTION BONUS For Qualified Applications Only:

☑️ Millionaire 1-On-1 15-Minute Strategy Session With Investor Mike Himself ($3,500 Value) 

☑️ FULL Hour Private Session: We'll Show You How To Remove Yourself From The Day-To-Day Grind And Have Everything DONE-WITH-YOU, Plus Ways To Strategically Make Smart Investments That "9-Figure Entrepreneurs" Uses To Build Their Multiple Millionaire Empires. (Priceless)

Launch Price: $297

Join Today For Only $0!
Date & Time: Feb 8th - Feb 10th, 2023 | 1 PM EST

Who is your presenter, Investor Mike?

Investor Mike is a serial entrepreneur, world-class investor, and renowned public speaker. 

He has built back-to-back $10 million-dollar companies and is an expert in selling high ticket and training sales reps to become' A 'player sales closers. 

He is excellent at speaking on stage and in masterminds, he has personally created a youtube channel of 500k subscribers in less than 18 months.  
These Sales Methods, Systems, and Secrets Are Used By Funnel Creators, Entrepreneurs and Salespeople At 7, 8, and 9 Figure Companies and work AMAZINGLY to Close Client After Client From Your Funnel!

Investor Mike wants his clients to take their knowledge or expertise and create a high-ticket course, from there he will help them start getting massive traffic which will result in them needing setters and closers from him.

​FAST ACTION BONUS For Qualified Applications Only:

✅ Day 1 - Discover How You Could Be Closing 60% to 80% Of Incoming Leads On Virtual Calls (Zoom, Google Meet Etc) From Your Custom HTO-Funnel Is The LIGHTNING-FAST SHORTCUT Way To Making THOUSANDS PER MONTH!

✅ Day 2 - How To Sell High Ticket Offers EFFORTLESSLY 24/7 Leveraging A Custom Leadgen System WITHOUT Being Salesy Or Pushy!… EVEN IF YOU HAVE NEVER DONE SALES BEFORE!

✅ Day 3 - The Most Effective Way To Persuade ANY PROSPECT To Say Yes By Leveraging Specialized Skilled Setters WITHOUT You Ever Having To do Any Sales Calls Yourself!

✅ Day 4 - Tired Of Doing Every Call Yourself And Want To Delegate Sales Leveraging A High-Performance HT-CLOSER TEAM To Add An Extra $200K YRR Predictably By STRATEGICALLY Positioning Your $5K To $10K High Ticket Offer VS The Mistake Of A Lower Ticket Offer

✅ Day 5 - The "Hands-Free" Process For ​Busy CEOs That Want An 8-FIGURE HT-SALES TEAM To Do All The Hiring, Training, And Recruiting Of World Class Sales Reps To Be Placed In Your Company To Sell Your High Ticket Offers

​FAST ACTION BONUS For Qualified Applications Only:

☑️ Millionaire 1-On-1 15-Minute Strategy Session With Investor Mike Himself ($3,500 Value) 

☑️ FULL Hour Private Session: We'll Show You How To Remove Yourself From The Day-To-Day Grind And Have Everything DONE-FOR-YOU, Plus Ways To Strategically Make Smart Investments That "9-Figure Entrepreneurs" Uses To Build Their Multiple Millionaire Empires. (Priceless)

TOTAL VALUE: $9,996.82

Launch Price: $2,997

Join Today For Only $0!
Date & Time: Feb 8th - Feb 10th, 2023 | 1 PM EST

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CF Capital Parnters LLC is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way with Airbnb™ or, their respective affiliates, or subsidiaries. The name “Airbnb” as well as related names, marks, emblems and images are registered trademarks of Airbnb, Inc. 

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